A portion of the Boldrider fellas went to Zagreb to skate the pool and talk to Pat (or is it Mat or Mathew ... whatever)
Hensley, ex pro skater and accordion player of Flogging Molly. At the entrance to Studentski centar we got a nice surprise - six or seven security boldies telling us we can't skate the pool because there's a big concert inside. What about afterwards we asked. No pool skating today smallbrainers insisted.

So we took a walk of Zagreb.

We noticed lots of lonsome turists crusin' the streets. This one just peddaled in a burger and was ready to see some sightings.

Few blocks away we cought another turistic lady in search for some nice pictures.

Popular street spot Mimara was packed with

We went to that concert in the evening. Instead of a small little concert with skateboarding and listening to Hensley ripping on the accordion, we saw this. See that dot on the left side of the stage. That's Pat, no Mat, Mathew ... whatever.

The green girl was haunting us wherever we went, like we were fucking
metal detectors.

Band's frontman said croatian flag looks like their (irish) flag. So i had to shoot the proof.

I don't know what this photo (from a gas station on the way back home) is actually doing here. Oh, i just remembered. Wouldn't it be nice if we sent a bunch of stickers like this one to all public skateparks in amerika. No
helmets alowed. Yes.