torek, 25. maj 2010
ponedeljek, 24. maj 2010
die boldriders

from LAST TRY(austrian sk8 mag) latest issue. what does it mean?

Pri reševanju takih in podobnih zadev Vam želim tudi v bodoče veliko uspehov.
LP Peter
sreda, 19. maj 2010
četrtek, 13. maj 2010
ponedeljek, 10. maj 2010
sobota, 8. maj 2010
torek, 4. maj 2010
as lots of our friends haven't experienced our first indoor sk8park here's some foto memories for your pleasure.

hand made logo from 1963; no photoshop, no illustrator

somewhere around 1961/63


20.8.2007 / for foco's birthday, which fortunately happened to be a rainy day, we started squating KRASS which was closed and abandoned now for years

our very first street object line up

famous german painters came to decorate the park

at the end of august seriuos works started

2 months of secret working

we finished the park somewhere in the begining of october 2007, that day it was dark already and the area was so dusted we couldn't see anything...this is what i came to see in the morning

most of the time we skated at night, stealing the only thing that was still working in the whole building, the electricity

opening party for tipche's BD. check dejci kickturning under the ceiling

local shreading

in february 2008 we had to leave. we deconstructed some of the objects and used the wood for the mini we built on pumpa

our park lasted for some 6 months, we skated it almost everyday as we knew soon it would be gone

cardboard hotel. papa

hand made logo from 1963; no photoshop, no illustrator

somewhere around 1961/63


20.8.2007 / for foco's birthday, which fortunately happened to be a rainy day, we started squating KRASS which was closed and abandoned now for years
our very first street object line up
famous german painters came to decorate the park
at the end of august seriuos works started
2 months of secret working
we finished the park somewhere in the begining of october 2007, that day it was dark already and the area was so dusted we couldn't see anything...this is what i came to see in the morning

most of the time we skated at night, stealing the only thing that was still working in the whole building, the electricity
opening party for tipche's BD. check dejci kickturning under the ceiling

local shreading
in february 2008 we had to leave. we deconstructed some of the objects and used the wood for the mini we built on pumpa
our park lasted for some 6 months, we skated it almost everyday as we knew soon it would be gone
cardboard hotel. papa
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