ponedeljek, 26. oktober 2009

sobota, 24. oktober 2009


don't get sad if they tell you're anti talented, you have a place on our mini.

Jaka Babnik Web

learn more about JB's photography >>HERE<<

sreda, 21. oktober 2009

feeble grind?

found this nice(ce ves kaj mislm) joke today in the local newspaper PRESTOL.
artist: MARINO

torek, 20. oktober 2009

petek, 9. oktober 2009


today we got a nice!! present from the almighty hruska truck and in a few hours did this little giocatolo(con l'aiuto dei amici abronzati da trieste).spontaneous.unplaned.looking forward to wake up tomorrow morning...


remembering biel with gianna

torek, 6. oktober 2009


spending a nice SUNday...

...and wednesday shaping corners and ulaulass


nedelja, 4. oktober 2009

love ramps

our friends in prestrank (very close to postojna) are adding new transitions to the older (170cm)ramp part. as they said it should be ready for shredding very soon!
rampa rampa rampaaaa maniaaaa